
Cosplay & Historic Dresses

Viking Winterdress

Since I ran out of time to make a full new dress, I changed my Fantasy Winterdress to wear it at the “Slawentage” in the museum at Oldenburg/Holstein in Germany. Due to the upper layers, the front closure could not be seen. However, it is not historically accurate at all, but the wool keeps me warm. Most of the time, the weather was really hot, so I could wear my first viking outfit and the summer dress.

Wiki Winter Hütte gimp 700

To make it more comfortable, I did wear my old machine-sewn linen dress underneath. It has four gores and a modern armhole. In addition, I made a short cloak named Gugel on the first day on the event, and a small bag of the same woolen material. Further, I often wear a belt and the Viking Age shoes made by my boyfriend, which you can see on this photo:

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