
Cosplay & Historic Dresses

Friede from Dark Souls III

Since conventions are mainly during the summer and good air condition systems are not very common in Germany, I thought about sewing a simple outfit for the ultimate heat. In addition, I can dress up very quickly. Therefore, I decided to cosplay Sister Friede, a boss from the game Dark Souls III. She is dressed in an outfit that reminds me of a medieval nun or a priestess of some sort, but also carries the symbol of the death himself, a giant skythe. Except for the bare foots, I tried to recreate her look in detail, but a shooting in snow was simply to cold. If you are interested in more Dark Souls cosplays, make sure to visit my Pyromancer cosplay page.

Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist Friede-02-III-hp-768x1024.jpg

As with all of my newer costumes, I created a separate making-of page, so I only sum up the general layers. While the front of the dress hast wo visible layers made of linen, I joined both of them to create a single one in the back. Therefore, the closure is hidden on one side of the dress. The sleeves are multi-layered as well. I wear a half-circled cape.

Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist Friede-03-hp-768x1024.jpg

While I could create the trimming myself by using my sewing machine (it is the buttonhole-stitch in a way that is not intended), the application on the front panel is simply sewn onto the fabric. For a more tailored look, I wear a belt. The element that makes the outfit remind me of a priestess is for sure the veil oft wo contrasting fabrics, but the giant skythe makes up a more dramatic element and surpasses the innocent look. It can be divided into three parts in order to make transport more simple.

Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist Friede-04-hp-768x1024.jpg

Unfortunately, I did not have a chance to wear it yet. The photos were already made during the last days of winter (thanks to Nils), but I hesitated to upload them during the more critical months of the Corona crisis.

Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist Friede-05-hp-768x1024.jpg

Have a look at the making-of page as well and my other Dark Souls character, a Pyromancer.

Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist Friede-06-hp-768x1024.jpg

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  1. Nils 27. June 2020


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